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"Ending Homelessness in Tempe" Potluck Dinner
4 November 2022

[Click on the images below to see full-resolution images:]

potato croquettas potato croquettas plastic utensils on table in theater plastic utensils on table in theater
Michael Simm photo on screen Michael Simm photo on screen bread bread
Cash is Freedom sign in lobby of Emerson apartment building Cash is Freedom sign in lobby of Emerson apartment building Cash is Freedom sign in window at Emerson apartment building people at potluck dinner
Michael Simm and Brian speaking to neighbors at event Michael Simm and Brian speaking at event people listening to speakers at potluck dinner event Michael Simm and Brian speaking at event
Basic Income sign on glass door entrance to theater Basic Income sign Logo for The Logical Foundation on screen in theater pasta salad
people at potluck dinner event listening to speakers Michael Simm and Brian speaking to neighbors at potluck dinner event crackers and cheese guests holding up Cash Is Freedom To signs
guests holding up Cash Is Freedom To signs people at potluck dinner event