Neighborhood Association Meeting (Selleh Park area)

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5:30 PM - 7:00 PM
Thursday, April 11, 2024
Anne Till's home
1935 E Meadow Dr, Tempe, AZ 85282

Free event.

This is the official neighborhood association meeting for the four cooperating neighborhood associations in the Selleh Park area: Alameda Meadows NA, Palmcroft Manor NA, Santo Thomas NA and McClintock NA (McClintock Neighborhood Association).

The city of Tempe sent out postcards to every household in these four neighborhood associations inviting them to this event.

The elected chairpersons and co-chairs of the neighborhood associations will be there, including Preston Hunter and Anne Till. This will be a relaxed, casual meeting. (Not stuffy!) This is a great opportunity to meet neighbors.

• Meet Anne's new Corgi puppies and enjoy snacks and conversation with neighbors.

• Leaders of the neighborhood potluck group will be present with information about the neighborhood's central event resource. They will have actual items from the collection there to view. They will be able to answer questions about the collection and provide free event rentals (tables, chairs, tablecloths, etc). More information here:

Neighbors from our neighborhoods have donated items to create a central event resource collection with over 1600 items, including 192 chairs and 50 tables. These are free for everyone to use to host neighborhood events.

• Review and vote for art/contractor proposals for the neighborhood's Maryanne Corder grant proposal submissions. The city of Tempe provides $80,000 collectively each year to these 4 neighborhood associations for neighborhood improvement projects. Those who attend this and other neighborhood association meeting decide how this money is spent. They vote to decide which projects we work on, and we also make decisions about specific aspects of projects, such as which artists are chosen to create permanent art installations in Selleh Park.

More details about what we will be voting on:
Palmcroft Manor and Santo Tomas NAs - create new art installation in front of Curry Elementary School
McClintock and Alameda Meadows NAs - create design for wide alley multi-use pathway (Los Feliz to McClintock between Aspen and Concorda)

Am I required to live in one of the 4 hosting neighborhood associations (Alameda Meadows, Palmcroft Manor, Santo Thomas, McClintock) in order to attend this meeting? No. Everyone is welcome to attend. Only residents of these neighborhood associations may vote. But everyone who attends can participate in all other aspects of the meeting, including receiving free event rentals.

If you're not sure, you can use this interactive map to see which neighborhood association you live in: