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A Winter's Day in Phoenix Potluck
11 February 2023

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potluck sign in front of home hosting potluck dinner potluck sign in front of home hosting potluck dinner potluck dinner event poster on an easel in back yard people at potluck dinner in back yard
breakfast burritos wrapped in plastic wrap food on serving table Tillamook individually packaged cheeses in serving bowl on food serving table Lays potato chips in bag and bowl on food serving table
casserole casserole quiche Indian rice dish with boiled eggs and saffron
food on serving table cookies cookies cookies
lasagna people at potluck dinner people at potluck dinner marble sweet bread
food on serving table poppy seed muffins poppy seed muffins crackers, cheese, meat (sausage) on tray
people at potluck dinner people at potluck dinner people sitting by fire at potluck dinner in back yard people at potluck dinner
people sitting by fire at potluck dinner