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Breaking Bread with Your Arizona Forward Party Neighbors
30 October 2022

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exterior of home exterior of home living room food serving tables
plates, bowels, utensils drinks in coolers glasses, water and ice tables
tables tables Forward Party members and host chocolate chunk cookies
chocolate chip cookies cookies bread salad brownies and cookies
Forward Party literature and nametags on entrance table people at potluck dinner people at potluck dinner spare ribs
pasta salad enchiladas Forward Party state leads speaking to neighbors Forward Party state leads speaking to neighbors
Forward Party state leads speaking to neighbors Forward Party state leads speaking to neighbors neighbors listening to Forward Party state leads Forward Party state leads speaking to neighbors
Forward Party state leads speaking to neighbors Forward Party state leads speaking to neighbors Forward Party state leads speaking to neighbors Forward Party state leads speaking to neighbors
Forward Party state leads speaking to neighbors Forward Party state leads speaking to neighbors neighbors listening to Forward Party state leads Forward Party state leads speaking to neighbors
people at potluck dinner people at potluck dinner people at potluck dinner people at potluck dinner
white spider on flower in yard event host standing with Forward Party state leads peanut butter and jelly sandwiches vegetables and dip
crackers and dip