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GAIN Night Meet the Artist and Plan the Selleh Park Art Installation Potluck Dinner
22 October 2022

[Click on the images below to see full-resolution images:]

people at food serving table hamburger and hotdog buns and condiments food table food tables
people at food potluck dinner art project table art project table and kids event poster
sister missionaries art project table and kids artist artist's table
artist's table burgers hamburger and hotdog buns Japanese ESL students
art project table and kids art project table art project table child with artwork
Ellie and child with artwork plant swap people at potluck dinner people at potluck dinner
people at potluck dinner people at potluck dinner grill with hot coals people at potluck and equestrian police
equestrian police equestrian police equestrian police equestrian police
people talking to artist food candy bread salad
salsa salad potato salad Smores squares Smores squares
donuts donuts dessert dessert
salsa and chips kids and piñata kids and piñata kids and piñata
kids and piñata kids and piñata kids and piñata kids and piñata
kids and piñata kids and piñata kids and piñata kids and piñata
kids and piñata kids and piñata kids and piñata literature from city
literature from city Tempe city official event organizer Preston and Kathleen Joyce, attendee at potluck dinner
Don Till preparing burgers people at potluck dinner people at potluck dinner people at potluck dinner
child and equestrian police artist children and art project table children and art project table
children and equestrian police art project table kids and piñata people at potluck dinner
artist showing art to child