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Potluck Dinner - 12 August 2022

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Summer Breeze song lyrics Summer Breeze record album wth flowers Summer Breeze record album wth flowers Summer Breeze record album wth flowers
Tempe Event Center exterior Tempe Event Center exterior Tempe Event Center exterior Tempe Event Center exterior
Tempe Event Center exterior Tempe Event Center interior Tempe Event Center long tables Tempe Event Center round tables
jasmine cookies jasmine cookies drinks table drinks table
food table macaroni and cheese stir fry made by Twee food made by Twee
photo cake Musician DJ Kevin Huang people at potluck dinner people at potluck dinner
people at potluck dinner people at potluck dinner with Kevin Juang, musician and DJ people at potluck dinner people at potluck dinner
people at potluck dinner people at potluck dinner people at potluck dinner people at potluck dinner
people at potluck dinner Sam singing karaoke Sam singing karaoke Sam singing karaoke
Sam singing karaoke Kathleen and Dominik dancing at potluck dinner party Sam singing karaoke Dominik singing karaoko Tequila song
musician DJ Kevin Huang packing up Tempe Event Center interior after being mopped and cleaned