Socratic Potluck: Gender Identity

banner image for event

7:00 PM
Friday, May 17, 2024
The Emerson
101 W. 5th Street, Tempe, AZ 85281

Free event.

Event Host: Bruce Garfinkel. Venue Hosts: David and Sonia.

Join us for an event which will be enjoyable and thought-provoking!

Questions to be discussed:
• Which gender identity do I most closely align with?
• Should people choose their preferred bathroom?
• Should the government be involved in which gender identity a person can choose to use?
• Should a driver's license gender identify be decided by the state one lives in?

This is is part of a series of events in which neighbors discuss serious topics relevant to our time. These discussions include people from all perspectives and points of view. Those who attend enjoy each other's company and enjoy breaking bread with neighbors who disagree with them.

These are not lectures, speeches or debates. These are discussions in which everybody has an equal opportunity to share their ideas. These are not attempts to "convert" anybody to any particular viewpoint. The group as a whole does not have a "position" on any topic.

People may bring relevant articles (news, magazine, etc.), documents, photos, advertisements, cartoons, quotes, etc. that express their point of view, or which are simply interesting. (Nobody is required to bring any of these.)

Format: After everyone has had an opportunity to serve themselves a plate of food, the event host will introduce the topic with a two-minute statement, written by the event host and the group organizer, framing the discussion. We will then watch a short video on YouTube. Then everyone in the room will have an opportunity to speak about the topic for one minute. (They are welcome to pass and say nothing.) The discussion will then continue, with people taking turns speaking, facilitated by a moderator. The moderator or event host may pose questions during the discussion.

What to Bring: Guests may bring any type of food. Enough to feed about 12 to 15 people. Bring a main dish, salad, side dish, homemade bread, etc. (We already have enough desserts.) Hosts will provide drinks, plates, utensils, etc.

Details about parking:

Items guests have signed up to bring:
H. C: salad
P. H: chicken broccoli casserole
S. M: Dessert
D. K: ?