World Tai Chi Day

banner image for event

9:30 AM - 11:30 AM
Saturday, April 27, 2024
Selleh Park
2425 S Los Feliz Dr, Tempe, AZ 85282
north side of park

Free event. RSVP not required in order to attend, but if you RSVP we can send you a reminder before the event.

World Tai Chi & Qigong Day is held each year in over 80 nations on "the last Saturday of April" each year.

Come join local Tai Chi enthusiasts at Selleh Park to celebrate this annual event! You'll enjoy getting together with neighbors for this event, whether you are a tai chi veteran, or learning about tai chi for the very first time.

The practice will be led by Dr. Darin Henry who has over 35 years of experience.

What is Tai Chi? Tai chi is an internal Chinese martial art practiced for self-defense and health. Known for its slow, intentional movements, tai chi has practitioners worldwide and is particularly popular as a form of gentle exercise and moving meditation, with benefits to mental and physical health.