August Wilson's "The Piano Lesson" special opening night fundraiser

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6:30 PM
Friday, February 2, 2024
Helen K. Mason Performing Arts Center
1333 E Washington St, Phoenix, AZ 85034

On behalf of neighborhood group member Bruce and Dr. Neal A. Lester, we are proud to include this event on the group's calendar and ask all to consider supporting this event.

(This event was not organized by the neighborhood potluck group.)

Special opening night fundraiser.

OPENING NIGHT TICKET $75 + $2 service charge
• Dessert reception: 6:30 pm
• Production of August Wilson's The Piano Lesson at 7:30pm, followed immediately by production talk back facilitated by Dr. Neal A. Lester, Founding Director of ASU Project Humanities

Purchase tickets here:

A brother and his sister are in a battle. At the center lies the family’s prized possession, an heirloom piano that is covered with incredible carvings detailing the family’s rise from slavery. Boy Willie wants to sell it and build the family fortune. Berniece on the other hand will go to any length to keep it and preserve the family history. Their uncle stands in between. The genius of August Wilson gives power and haunting voice to the ghosts of their past and elevates their stories to monumental heights and a stunning conclusion.

Project Humanities at Arizona State University Presents "A Taste of Humanity" Fundraiser, Benefiting ASU Project Humanities' Homeless Outreach

Enjoy an evening of desserts and food for the spirit and soul as we witness the opening night of the Black Theatre Troupe’s production of August Wilson's The Piano Lesson. An exploration of the human and familial ties that bind, this play reflects on the value of tradition and traditions as identity markers and signifiers.

Further supporting ASU Project Humanities’ outreach, please bring 2 bars of soap and/ or a new/ gently used backpack for our 250+ outreach clients.