Free event.
Superman (2025) was written and directed by James Gunn, who is known to many as the director of Marvel's "Guardians of the Galaxy" movies.
We will be gathering in the lobby at the theater at 6:30 PM, for a screening of the movie that starts at about 7:00 PM.
NOTE: This event is being announced six months in advance. The date and time may change if the film's release date or anticipated screening time change.
Tickets are free for members of the Neighborhood Potluck Group who RSVP for this event. Do not buy tickets. We will already have your tickets. But food is not free. We will not be buying food for guests. You do not need to purchase food. But you may want to, because Majestic Tempe 7 has a full restaurant menu. You can order from your seat while watching the film.
We will be meeting in the lobby 30 minutes before the film starts. This theater is VERY STRICT about people arriving on time and won't let guests in if they arrive late. Please plan to arrive on time (at 6:30 p.m.) so we can hand out tickets, meet each other, talk, have time to get our seats, look at the menu, enjoy the pre-show, etc.
If you know anything about the Majestic, you know that people like to arrive early to enjoy the full experience. And gathering together in the lobby, getting to know people from the neighborhood group before the movie, has been one of the best parts of similar events in the past.
RSVP required in order to attend: To RSVP, use your standard RSVP buttons, or use the form at the top of this page, or email: [or] text: 480-269-5823