Click link to view print flier: past_invites/book_club_invite_2022Sep21.jpg
Hosted by Tempe resident bibliophile Tracy Sobers
Introductory planning meeting: Meeting dates will be picked by people who attend the first club meeting. Free meetings. Free easy-to-access digital books and softcover books will be available.
The October 7 event will be the first meeting of what is intended to be a book club that meets once a month for fun and friendship.
If you want to read the book or watch the movie first, that's great but not required! At each meeting, we will discuss the book and pick books for upcoming meetings.
Note: This is not a "potluck" event: We will not be bringing food to the event. This will be a fun book club event that men and women from the neighborhood potluck list are invited to, along with everybody else who is interested.
The Book: The first book we will discover together is Into the Wild by Jon Krakaurer. Based on the true story of 19-year-old Christopher McCandless who walked out of his privileged life and promising future to become a back-to-nature wanderer in the 1990s. On the way, he encounters a series of adventures and people that will all shape him in a unique, meaningful way.