Israel-Gaza Conflict: Potluck Dinner and Discussion - Israeli Perspective

banner image for event

5:00 PM
Sunday, July 14, 2024
1912 E. Loyola Drive, Tempe AZ 85282

What? Guests will eat a potluck dinner while discussing the current conflict in Gaza. Moshe is the featured speaker at this event. Moshe is Jewish. He was born in Israel. Moshe will discuss the history of the current Gaza conflict, from a Jewish pro-Israel perspective. He will talk for about 10 minutes on this topic, and then answer questions from attendees.

This event is being organized at the same time as another event which will present the topic from a Palestinian perspective. (10 August 2024:

Background: On 21 December 2023, members of the neighborhood potluck group gathered together for an event titled "Potluck Dinner and Discussion: Israel-Gaza Conflict." This was hosted by a Jewish member of the neighborhood group who is pro-Israel, and another Jewish member of the group who is pro-Palestinian.

This was a wonderful event that allowed everybody to share their perspectives with each other. Although people had viewpoints that were very different, everyone was able to listen and learn in a spirit of friendship.

The conflict in Gaza remains a topic we see in the news and which impacts some of us directly. We are organizing two follow-up events, one focusing on the Israeli perspective and another focusing on the Palestinian perspective. Each event will be a potluck dinner featuring a speaker who will talk about history leading up to the current conflict in Gaza, and will then answer questions from attendees.

Is this event a debate? No. It is an opportunity to learn more about current events from a specific perspective. Attendees are welcome to ask questions and share their thoughts. This will be a friendly discussion among friends and neighbors who like each other, even if they see things differently.

What should I bring? Guests will bring a dish to share. Enough for 10 to 12 people. Main dish, entreƩ, salad, side dish, bread, hors d oeuvres, etc. (No desserts, please.) Bring food only. The host will provide drinks, plates, napkins, cups, utensils, etc. Kosher food is encouraged, but not required.

Inside or Outside? Entirely indoor event.

Who? Everyone is welcome. But RSVP is required. Space is limited. If you plan to come, please RSVP officially as soon as possible, before space runs out.

Items guests have signed up to bring:
M. H: Corn
A. B: grain salad
A. C: chips and dip
Debbie: fruit platter; bagels
L. K: salad
S. G: humus & pita
Vivek: rice and beans
D. K: ?
D. K: ?
G. T: ?
L. W: ?
P. H: ?