Meow Mixer: Cat-Lovers Potluck Lunch

banner image for event

11:30 AM - 1:30 PM
Saturday, May 18, 2024
E. Alameda Dr. and S. McClintock Dr., Tempe AZ 85282

Free event. Indoors. Adults only. (No children.)

Cat lovers unite! Colony feeders, everyone in the TNR or cat-caregiving community, as well as anybody who cares about cats, is invited to join together for a potluck lunch event!

This event is being organized by Diane Melrose and hosted by Kathy Devenport.

Note that three rescue animals currently live in the event host's home. As much as the hosts love cats and all manner of furry friends, only adult humans are invited to this event.

What? Bring food to share. Eat lunch. Socialize. No formal program or presentation is planned.

What to Bring: Guests may bring any type of food. Enough to feed about 8 to 10 people. Bring a main dish, salad, side dish, bread, etc. (No desserts, please. We already have enough desserts.) Hosts will provide drinks, plates, utensils, etc.

About the Hosts

Diane Melrose is one of Tempe's many cat colony caregivers. Diane has taken care of a colony since 2020. She worked for the City of Tempe as the Animal Welfare Coordinator for 6 months. Diane likes to meet and network with others active in local TNR (trap-neuter-return) efforts.

Kathy Devenport has participated in cat caregiving and TNR and is looking forward to hosting this event in her home.

Location: This is a private home. The exact address will be provided to those who RSVP and will be attending the event.

Items guests have signed up to bring:
M. A: Chickpea salad
K. D: Kit Kat candy bars; water, homemade meatballs, and dessert pastries
M. R: Egg salad sandwiches along with bread
Peggy: pinwheels
P. H: macaroni salad
R. T: Maybe green bean salad comprised of olive oil, balsamic vinegar, sugar plum tomatoes & white onion. Or some hummus & baby carrots. I could also do bagels with schmear. Let me know which would be best
T. D: Devilled eggs
T. S: Not sure yet
D. M: ?
J. S: ?
P. H: ?