Aliens, UFOs, UAPs: Potluck Dinner with the Expert - Redux

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6:00 PM
Saturday, June 29, 2024
1881 E Del Rio Dr, Tempe AZ 85282

Free event. Free parking. This will be the neighborhood group's big anchor event for June!

UFO sightings. Alien abductions. UAPs (Unidentified Aerial Phenomena). Government cover-ups. This is not a movie. These are real-life stories being reported daily in the news. On 26 July 2023, former military officials made a series of mystifying claims about unidentified aerial phenomena under oath at Wednesday's congressional hearing.

What is going on???

Join us for a fascinating and informative potluck dinner with Dominik, the neighborhood group's undisputed expert on all things extraterrestrial. Enjoy a full dinner, during which Dominik will bring us up to speed on what is happening and answer any and all questions.

Dominik will present a slide show followed by Questions and Answers. He will cover the history of the Phenomenon from World War II up through the present.

UFO enthusiasts and die-hard skeptics, and everyone in between, are all welcome!

NOTE: Dominik is one of the neighborhood group's leading members. Most everyone who has attended events organized by this group already knows him.

Redux event! This event is back by popular demand. This is largely a repeat of the big potluck dinner event we had on 10 Feb 2024 at the Emerson in downtown Tempe. We had over 40 people there, at what was one of the most fascinating and memorable events ever organized by the potluck group. Some people weren't able to be there but wanted to see the presentation. Some people were there and said would like to see the presentation again. This presentation will have many updates, with new information that has come out since February. But it is essentially the same presentation. So if you were there in February, take that into consideration when you decide to RSVP "yes" or "no."

Of course EVERYONE is welcome to attend, even if you went to the event in February.

We want to especially welcome experiencers and anybody who has had first-had experience with UAPs.

What to Bring: Guests may bring any type of food. Enough to feed about 10 to 12 people. Bring a main dish, salad, side dish, bread, hors d'oeuvres, etc. No additional desserts are needed. Hosts will provide drinks, plates, utensils, etc.

Items guests have signed up to bring:
E. P: Dont know yet.
J. C: Dessert
Aaron: egg salad
A. W: something gluten free
B. H: salad
B. K: Whole Grain Salad
C. R: Chicken drumsticks
Daniel: NA
G. W: not sure yet
J. W: chile verde
J. N: Salad
Kim: roasted vegetables
L. N: Undecided
L. N: fried chicken
M. M: Mac & Cheese
M. B: Dessert
N. N: JalapeƱo poppers
P. A: Main course - not sure yet
P. H: chicken broccoli casserole
R. T: green bean salad, likely
Richard: meat and cheese board
R. T: Raw veggies & hummus
S. G: Chips and soda
T. S: idky
A. M: ?
S. S: ?
A. G: ?
D. K: ?
G. T: ?
H. T: ?
P. C: ?
S. H: ?